Our duty to settle or defend ends when our limit of liability for this coverage has been exhausted. 当赔偿额达到保险责任限额时,本公司支付赔款或进行辩护的义务终止。
Handling the Problems of Conflicting Time Limit in Traffic Trouble Involving the Case of Criminal Liability 关于办理交通肇事涉刑案件的时限冲突问题
If a party cannot perform its obligations within the contractually agreed time limit owing to force majeure, it shall be relieved of the liability for delayed performance during the aftereffect of the event. 当事人一方因不可抗力事件不能按合同约定的期限履行的,在事件的后果影响持续的期间内,免除其迟延履行的责任。
This agreement shall not increase the Limit of Liability provided for elsewhere in this Policy. 本协议不增加本保险单所列明的责任限额。
Insured can select Limit of Liability and currency for coverage. 被保险人可选择保险责任限额及货币种类。
Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs. 但是保险公司保险单又规定了免赔额、共同保险条款、责任限额,从而使存在不当行为的董事自己承担一部分损失和费用。
Individual freedom is the ethical limit for attributing legal liability, and it is also the ethical basis for the existence of subjective important condition in the legal liability attribution. 个人自由乃法律责任归咎的道德限度,是法律责任归责中主观性要件存在的伦理根据。
This limit has an important meaning for the solution of right and liability between school and students, and for the promotion of the educational system reform of colleges. 如此界定,对解决高校教育过程中学校和学生的权利和义务,推动高校教育体制改革具有重要意义。
This paper emphasizes and aims to discuss identification of practice limit in a variety of situations as well as the criminal liability of the actor. 其中对各种情形下实行过限的认定以及行为人对实行过限刑事责任的承担问题是本文讨论的重点,也是本文写作的主要目的。
Specific details will be given in the main body which is divided into six chapters: The first chapter analyses the legal nature of duty of disclosure in marine insurance, and corrects it as an obligation within the limit of fault liability. 第一章剖析了海上保险告知义务的法律属性,将其矫正为以过错责任为限的法定义务。
This paper summarized the amount of accomplice practiced limit types and recognized standards and the corresponding commitment to the theory of criminal liability started with the six typical case analysis concluded, making a reasonable solution to the dispute. 运用本文中归纳出的数额共犯实行过限的类型和认定标准以及相应的刑事责任承担的理论对六个典型案例分析后得出结论,使争议得到解决。
It suggested that we should limit the scope of civil liability in insider dealing in the form of balance compensation and give the damage compensation for the persons who got loss in the form of related compensation. 最后,着重讨论了完善我国证券内幕交易民事责任制度的两个难点问题,建议采用差价补偿的方式限定内幕交易民事赔偿的范围,并采用连带赔偿的责任方式对受损方给予损害补救。
How to distinguish the normal course of business failures and determine the reasonable obligations of law is to limit the liability of directors the directors of the important content. Finally, directors liability insurance system. 如何区分正常经营过程中的合理判断失误和违法董事义务是限制董事责任的重要内容。最后是董事责任保险制度。
This paper makes endeavors to demonstrate whether the co-drinkers shall assume the duty of care, the scope thereof and the limit of the civil liability with the infringement by omission arising from the antecedent act. 本文力图利用先行行为导致的不作为侵权理论论证共同饮酒人是否应当承担注意义务,其注意义务的范围以及承担民事责任的限度。
The second part of the Criminal and Civil Trial principle, limit the scope of compensation has suffered material losses or material damage suffered must establish a comprehensive compensation, fault liability, joint and several liability. 第二部分刑事附带民事诉讼的赔偿范围和原则,将赔偿范围限定为已经遭受的物质损失或者必然遭受的物质损失,确立了全面赔偿、过错责任、连带责任原则。
In terms of system construction, in order to diminish responsibility of infringer, limit of compensation responsibility and liability should be adopted. 就制度构建方面来说,应当引入补偿、赔偿责任限额制度,以减轻车方的责任。
But our tort law still stays at a traditional stage, and the scope of the protection is narrow, which need to be improved. Secondly, we can limit the use ness of the limited liability to protect non-voluntary creditors. 我国侵权法的保护范围还停留在比较传统的阶段,保护范围比较窄,这一点对非自愿性债权人保护不利,应予以完善。